Doctor Lucid sources ingredients from around the planet to create our hand sanitizing product. Our priority is to give you a product that you can use safely every day. We strive to deliver a product for you using sustainably sourced ingredients.
The Blend
Doctor Lucid blends ethyl alcohol at 70% by volume concentrations with purified water, glycerin, and hydrogen peroxide to create our spray hand sanitizers.
Clear Ingredients
Doctor Lucid uses only ethyl alcohol in its products. All our ingredients are listed clearly on every bottle and right here on the website. There are no other ingredients like methanol used in any of our products.
Our ethyl alcohol is combined with hydrogen peroxide to ensure cleansing and antiseptic results.
Alcohol is a liquid that can dry your hands if used alone. We mix our ethyl alcohol with purified water and glycerin to slow the evaporation of the alcohol and lock moisture in the skin.